Bretzel liquide, humour noir, propos absurdes et photos étranges

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manger ou être mangé

, 06:33

tag : détachement, dévoré vivant, bambi

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L'excitation sexuelle dans le cerveau, comment ça marche ?

, 07:21

Right Lateral to Anterior View This is a 1400 gram brain fresh out from autopsy. Unfixed and recently diseased.

This visualizes the brain at a frontal view. On your right is the LEFT CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE and the RIGHT HEMISPHERE is on your left. The middle line is called the longitudinal fissure or the intrahemispheric fissure (it separates left and right sections of the brain).

The Dura mater is that flap on top. "In the central nervous system, there are three different layers that cover the spinal cord and brain. These are called the meninges, and their three levels consist of the: pia, arachnoid, and dura mater. Bone is situated above these layers, followed by periosteum (a fibrous membrane that covers bone) and skin. The dura mater is the top layer of the meninges, lying beneath the bone tissue."

Deep within the hemispheres you can see the corpus collosum and the anterior cerebral artery. Corpus callosum: "This bundle of nerve tissue contains over 200 million axons (nerve fibers that carry electrical impulses from neurons’ cell bodies) by rough estimate. This neural tissue facilitates communication between the two sides of the brain".

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Karl Lagerfeld : oui Choupette, c'est papa qui est dans l'urne funéraire

, 07:53

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pour ma convention obsèques, j'avais pris l'option incinération au dichromate d'ammonium

, 09:51

tag : (NH4)2Cr2O7 , ouverture de portail satanique, Cthulhu, le petit chimiste, endyves braisé, dernières volontés
les idées brico-facile de tonton yves (88)

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Hello Kitty : la lobotomie

, 09:15

hello kitty bon appétit lobotomie.gif

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